August 9, 2013

everywhere.. where i look for you. a crowded party - people dancing, drinking, laughing, talking, taking photos, having fun. i look around: so many potential lovers. maybe the love of my life, or at least my love of the summer.
but actually, the only person i would so much love to see at that moment and anytime is you, a friend.
i could have his wonderful kisses, but i just want your brotherly hugs.
i could have his compliment about how sexy every part of me looks, but i just want you telling me how i smell awesome.
i could have him telling me about our wonderful future with a house, garden, kids and pet, but i just want you to tell me we will do the best activity tommorow. and that could be even such a simple one like eating ice cream.

people want the world and success, diamonds and money. i just want to be friends with you, cause you are so special to me. 

Lots of Love xoxo

about the care of love & golden friendship

you're just so damn pretty and i hate it. it makes me even miss you more.
we still could be best mates today, but god, life and pride prevent us from being it.
maybe we never were real friends..although we had some endless moments of emotion. the kiss on the cheek after not hearing anything about one another for four month. crying over the hardships of life. gently touching - shoulders, back, arms, face.
still there always was something about you that made you seem a stranger.

but love does not care about circumstances or relationships, because love does not happen. love IS.

it just is there without being invited. it ca stay forever or leave as without us even noticing - it won't ask about staying or going.
i don't know where you're going and i don't know why, but all i know is that i miss you alot and i love you and i want to be your best friend and be a best friend to you.

Lots of Love xoxo

August 8, 2013

Men that we want

I want a man to lead me. Not to be my master, but to lovely show me the way when I get lost.
I want a strong man. Not to show me his muscles and how awesome he is, but to hold our kids and carry the groceries - a great father an husband.
I want a man to give me freedom. Not to leave me alone, not to safe me, but to stand by me, as I save myself.
I want a man to love women. Not to run after everyone he sees, but to worship his wife and his daughters.
I want a man to love the lord. Not only saying 'christian' on his papers, but to have god in his heart and his life. To be in a real relationship with him.
I want a man to talk to me. Not only about ''necessary things'', like when to attend the kids school events, but about how I feel and what he can do to change my day for the better.
I want a man to kiss me. Not to want my body all the time, but to kiss my mind.

I don't want the better guy. I want the guy, that makes me a better girl.

Lots of Love xoxo

August 7, 2013

That's subjective, Mr.

I bought a new dress for some very special occassions and a lot of people told me they don't like it. I still wore it, because I think it looks georgeous.
This situation made me ask:

Who sais what is beautiful and what is not?

Who are people around you to tell you if you can run around in this or that shirt or not? Who are people to tell you if what you said was stupid or not? Who are people to tell you you should weigh 58 kilos and not 70? How will the world change, if you will dress/look as others want you to? How will this change your life to the better? How can you ever live your inner self if you try to comfort others all the time?

Even if everyone except of you thinks your look/weigh/hair/nails/etc. are awful, you shouldn't change it. Why? Because YOU like it. And YOU matter. You is 
be -you - tiful
Don't you forget!

Lots of LOVE xoxo

God isn't in the fire, earthquake or wind. He's in the whisper.

If you pray and nothing happens, you may not listen to god.
With god it's like with people, it just fufills you if you have a good realtionship. You can have a relationship only by communicating.
Communicating with god does not only mean pray and talk to him, but also listen to him.

- Not only you need to tell god something. He has something to tell you as well. -

Most people thing god isn't there, because they don't hear him; but god does not always answer directly. Some ways god can answer your prayers and talk to you:

- You hear a voice in your mind.
- Through people in your life.
- In the scripture.
- In the church mess (e.g. the sermon, or even just the feeling you get there.)
- In the nature.
- Through silence.

Most people miss this one: THROUGH PEOPLE IN YOUR LIFE.

There is a story of a man in a boat: There is a flood and everyone tries to find some safe place and the priest sits in his boat and waits. A man wants to help him, but the priest replies: 'I'm a god man, I'm waiting for god to help me.' And then another man comes, and another. The priest always answers the same way. Finally everyone is safe and the priest dies. In heaven he is very upset ans asks god, why he didn't help him & god replies: 'I send you 3 people to help you, but you ignored my help.'

Lots of Love xoxo


Today I was at a prayer group and talked to some people, who told me their testimonies about how they became a Christian (I'm catholic). That made me things of some moments I felt God's presence. I wanted to tell you about some of them :)

1) When I was 13 I wanted a boyfriend SO bad. That was when I looked at my guardian angel picture I got for my baptism and started praying: Dear God, I want a boyfriend. I need someone to really, really love me and I want it sooooo bad. Please, give me a boyfriend.
One of the next days I was driving home from school and at the crossroads a boy crossed my path. He was on his bike as I was...I swear we looked in each others eyes for just some seconds..for the amount of time it takes you to cross the lights on your bike. And I swear again that it was this moment I fell in love. I didn't know his name, adress or anything about him. We didn't talk that day. And guess what? He became my first boyfriend in the end.
2) It was a thursday, 4pm. I needed to collect money for charity. I really needed this money and prayed 'God. Help me...Help me to get this money. And help me to notice you..through my environment: Moments, people, media..'  ..Then my mom came home and told me: Listen, you could ask the mayor for money.' I thought this was a good idea and looked up his phone number. In the internet I found this note: There is a citizens hour for every citizen to tell and ask whatever she or he wants every month. One hour, once a month. ...I was really upset and sad about that and then I saw it was the day. Thursday the 17th of June. And he was talking to people from 4.30pm - 5.30pm.
3) I needed an A+ to pass my final English exam..My grade before was an C-. Nobody believed in me: The principal didn't, my English teacher didn't, even my family secretly didn't (as they later on told me). And I prayed: God, please. Give me strength to not break down. Give me energy to learn. Send your holy spirit inside of my heart and give me an intelligent mind. Show me what I should learn and help me to learn it.
And guess whaaaat? I got an A+.
4) My boyfriend broke up with me and I was so sad, I got depressed. All my friends were there and my family was, but they didn't help, because my heart was aching so much. And then I met a new friend, who actually made me happy. He turned out to be a complete asshole. A big liar and cheater. I remember my best friend one day saying: I'm so glad you two were friends. He's such an asshole and a male slut, but he made you smile. It was obvious that he made you happy, when non of us couldn't.

Lots of Love xoxo

July 30, 2013


Today I saw a video about the phrase 'Listen to your heart!' always suggested to people, who don't know how to act or what to believe. It sounds hopefully and is perfect if you don't know what to say.
But actually it's wrong just to listen to your heart, which is the centre of feelings, reason and will. Our heart often is influenced by our environment and not rarely do we want things, we know are stupid.

I think it's really hard to distinguish between 'real feelings' and feelings the mind creates. To be more concrete: Sexual attraaction often is a 'fake feeling' created by the liasion of some molecules inside of our brain. A 'real feeling' I lately had, was planing to move to Africa. I didn't really think about it for long..I didn't think of leaving everything and everyone behind, when I made that decision. I just started to react, as if I HAD to. I believe this is gods will.

So at the end of the video it was said, we have two hearts. One heart that is shaped by our environment and creates a whole lot of fake feelings and is full of our will. The other heart is full of gods will for us, it wants to be pure and provides real feelings for us. These two hearts are always struggeling with each other.

Which one are you going to listen to?

Lots of Love xx

June 11, 2013

Can time heal a broken heart?

I for myself can't answer this question with a clear 'yes!'. My first boyfriend and I were in a relationship for about a year and now it is already  3 years over. Still my heart is aching anytime I see him. The first year after the break up I couldn't even look at him, because it made me cry.
Sometimes I'm sad about the break up of a friendship with someone I could talk to about anything. The person suddenly stopped being carrying and didn't put any effort into being good friends.
I guess everybody could add something to this list of people we love and miss. People, we feel we need to make our life perfect. People, who obviously don't need us to be happy.

So will this broken hearted state of being ever change? I think time doesn't heal, but for sure teaches us a lot about life and ourselves..It teaches everyone of us how to handle the pain in a way, that's best for you. Don't freak out, if life sometimes throws you back where you already were once: In the bleeding area of your heart. ..Just try to survive the moment and go on. You are not alone.

Everybody feels pain. Our hearts are villages with houses full and empty. We still love the empty houses with their wild gardens and the smell of our beloved person in it. But we are heroes, because we can live on. I like to let god's grace be a sticking plaster for the ache inside of me.

Lots of Love xoxo

June 10, 2013

Don't let them define who you are!

The other day I talked to a girl, who said, she once was bullied in school for being ''different''. That made her lose her self-confidence and all along think about how ''different'' she is.
Nowadays nobody is bullying her anymore. She found a lot of great friends and is very beautiful and self-confident. It was hard to believe her story about being different. My answer to it was: ''At the age of 14 everyone is 'different'''.

There are a million stories like this. You could exchange the ''being different'' with being ugly, fat, thin, stupid, short, shy etc.

My answer to bullying is not ''Stop bullying!", because at some age and in some periods of life  it is normal and we all came or will come across this topic. My answer is:

- Stretch your middle finger to the world, to the world! ;-p -

We often enough take it to serious, when someone calls us something. We let ourselves define by what other people think about ourselves..If everybody thinks you are to fat, you start to think you are. 
I ask myself: Why?

What do you have from defining yourself through peoples eyes and words? Only disadvantages.
Sometimes people told me I'm naive. One day I started to believe them and with feeling naive I also got a feeling of being stupid. My self esteem shrunk and I began to see myself in a negative light. It even made me feel to fat and not beautiful or unique enough. Eventually my communicative state of mind switched into shyness.

Then I grew older and realized how self-destructive this was. I picked up the broken pieces of my self-confidence and glued them back together. A beautiful time of my life began. I tell myself everyday: ''You are beautiful, smart, simply awesome. You have a great body, mind and soul. You are unique, blessed, talented and loved. There is no other you that is THAT hilarious awesome and no other you at all!''
And guess what? I really believe I am and therefore everyone else believes it, too ;-) 

Surround yourself with positive energy and a positive attitude about yourself and life and it will surely affect your environment and especially the people around you! :-)

Have a great day.

Lots of Love xoxo

May 18, 2013


This is about us people. - Having sex with others we feel attracted to.

- She keeps open up the present, to find that it's empty -

Lots of Love xoxo

May 17, 2013

Who are you?

You have to get lost to find yourself. 

We all have busy lives: work or school, family, hobbies, daily tasks, responsibility.. 
Aren't you often enough gliding from one situation of life to another? I do. And when I do, everyday, there isn't a lot of time to think about myself. And if there is time, I use it for sleep. 
Sleep as a kind regeneration..just sleeping, because I'm tired, without really thinking about anything else, than sleeping itself. But this regeneration is not a real relaxation. 

Regeneration to me means, getting your physical power back. You need to be fit to master your everyday life, so you sleep. Relaxation is more - it's not only physical, but mental.

Sleeping, or regeneration, can be an emotional cure as well..from stress or as a remedy to overcome a bad day. But real mental attention can be just given by relaxation.

We all need to relax sometimes. Really renew ourselves. 
- Consciously take time to think about yourself. What kind of person are you? What do you want in your life? 

Find yourself. 

Because you will have these moments in life, which will "bring you back" to where you were before. You will have moments, where you won't be able to think about what is good for you. And then you'll do crazy, stupid shit...because you're mentally not prepared for doing awesome things.

As for me, I was so happy, when I found an entry about "how i think a perfect life should be" in my diary..It was one of the moments my emotions told me "this is how." about a situation and person, that really didn't suited any of my expectations. I am so happy, that I used a moment of sanity to write down what I want for myself in life. 

Lots of Love xoxo

May 16, 2013

Remind yourself of

Sometimes you forget, how you have lived before this one person came into your life.
But you have lived. And i believe it was quite awesome at moments.

Lots of Love xoxo

May 10, 2013

You are here!

I'm often scared of places I'll have to go in life. I don't like changes and would love life to stay as it is right now. But then I remember this quote - and I feel good. God knows better, right? 

The place where you are now, god marked on a map for you.

Lots of Love xoxo

Stand Up :-)

Some people are to awesome to stay on this earth...but I believe, real and deep love can fight cancer.

Lots of Love xoxo

May 9, 2013

piece of art

artist: Jack Vettriano

It's not the situation and setting. It's not the picture itself..Actually it's the title:

Dance me to the End of Love

I read the title of this artwork and it blows my mind away. I can imagine so many scenes that would fit this name and it's amazing. Try.

Lots of Love xoxo


The way we see people, is the way we are with them.

Lots of Love xoxo

May 7, 2013

Our god is able.

Our god is able. He is mighty. He is faithful.
And he never sleeps, he never slumbers.
He never tires of hearing our prayer.
When we are weak he becomes stronger.
So rest in his love and cast all of your cares on him. 

Lots of Love xoxo

May 3, 2013

..and then it reaches your mind..

Every now and then I believe everyone comes to the point to ask theirselves:
What's the sense of this all?

What's the sense of being alive and living this life? Why are we doing things and why do things exist? Does everything happen for a reason and what for are the people in our life? Why do we even ask ourselves all these questions and think about stuff like it helpful in any way or bring us forward? There are a lot more questions to ask.

I'm very interested in philosophy and psychology. I often read biographies of philosophs and get in touch with ther theories. If I start to wonder about something, like love or friendship, I look for answers in psychology, philosophy, biology..In science. It is truly amazing, how much science can tell us about the world around us. Did you know that depression can be seen by a brain x-ray, because your brain structure changes if you have depression? Or did you know that in the first moment you are attracted by people who smell different than you do, because nature thinks, they have a very variated genpool and you can reproduce with them best? Did you know that guys are most creative, when they feel lust and that therefore a lot of male artists have a muse? You see. It's amazing, what science knows and I always look for answers in science, when I come to the point of my life's sense.

All the information: theories, media, life, experience, thoughts, people around us... that can really confuse us, when we are looking for a sense in something.

I had a tough time lately and I feel like I looked for a sense everywhere. I couldn't even stand silence, because it made me thoughtful and I got lost in my thoughts. Eventually I took rest, because I was so tired from thinking and tired from searching..

And then I found this song about love. I listened to it and felt better.
No matter how bad I feel, I always end up there. In front of god. 
Of course, I know about god all the time in my confusion, but often enough I don't want to talk to him. But in the end, he is the only one to give me the peace I need and to fill my confusion with love:

Lots of Love xoxo

April 30, 2013

Exaggerated Smile

Hey you out there xx

After a lot of days up and down I told myself, that today's gonna be a good day. The very best day. So I dressed up, made my hair and make up and practiced the perfect smile before I said heeeey xx to the world. Ok, so I went out and smiled at every stranger..not as you do it usually, but exaggerated.

Although the greek philosoph Aristotle teaches us to choose the middle between two extremes, sometimes you have to go for the extrem. In my case: The extrem smile. - And I really meant it.

It was worth it. I didn't just feel nice and good but also got compliments about my shoes, had people smile at me and even a grandpa talk to me. The hot emergency paramedic, who's wallet fell on the ground, while we had a long eye contact is my favorite. But who knows? There are still more than 10 hours to go :-)

Lots of Love xoxo

April 25, 2013


“Become good at cheating and you never need to become good at anything else.” — Banksy

Lots of Love xoxo

April 22, 2013

Always keep in mind

- Life is a journey, not a race -

I know all of you know this, as it's an easy thing. But we forget it too often. 
We make plans for our life: Family, Career, Self-Sulfillement. We want to be the best.
..The best. But we forget, that it's not a race.
It's all about learning. It's a journey...You begin somewhere and keep going without really knowing where to go often. And on your way you see a lot of things and have many moments, which affect you.

Today I met a friend of mine and we talked about education. She finished high school and started college. What she did there, was her A-Levels and an educator training at the same time. After some months she realized, she doesn't like the job she is learning to do for the rest of her she left school and now is at home, figuring out, what to do next.
Most poeple would call this 'failure' and actually, this was my first thought. I thought about it..

And really? This is not failure. It's braveness. In this material world, most people would finish their education no matter they get a job and earn a lot of money. My friend isn't like that, but braver. She broke the stereotype, left the race. 

Studying education was her long-term dream..she always wanted this. And now, once she experienced it live, she learnt, that she isn't happy, going all the way straight like this. She took another way and the jurney goes on.. She will see new things, new perspectives. 

My friend is one of the happiest people I know. Even her name shows means: "joy bringer".

Lots of Love xoxo


-You look normal.
-I'm sad.
-Everyone's sad.

Lots of Love xoxo

Once upon a time...(or should I say: Y'all ain't gonna believe that shit!)

How does it come, that people always want to have what they can't have? The unreachable?

Maybe it's our believe in fairies, tales and fairytales. I mean..there are happening magical things all the time in such stories and we wish our life to be as magical as these tails are.
We'll never be satisfied with the second best and reaching the unreachable often will piss us off.. Dreams make our life beautiful. They are there to be dreamt about..they don't have to be reached. We want magical, unreachable. We don't want an earthly Cinderella, who would pick up the shoe, even if she is short in time. We want her to be as unrealistic as poissible and just leave the shoe and run away. We don't want her to be like a normal girl and tell her true identity, so she can stay at the ball with her prince..much more we want her to run away and keeping her true self a secret.

- It's fairytale..on crack. - 

(magic is coming.)

Lots of Love xoxo


Smile to strangers. Wish people a nice day. Help your family. Call your friends. Be nice to yourself. Say thank you and remember how happy you are. Feel your heartbeat.
Listen to your faovirte song and spend a day with someone, who needs love.

..because, really, that is all you need. Actually it is even all the people around you need. Just saying :b

Lots of Love xoxo


Heyday! x Look how beautiful everything outside is.
Blossoms & flourishing life.

- People wash their laundry everyday. Why not their hearts? -

Lots of Love xoxo

Story of your life

- We must be the change we wish to see in the world -

This picture helps me to understand the quote. A bowl of yoghurt and raspberries. - I always love to help people, when it comes to eating, doing sports, dieting and living healthy..The more people I meet at my daily running routines, the happier is my day. It's my way of changing the world. Of seeing things.

What are you like? How do you want this world to be?

Lots of Love xoxo


We have them in almost every sphere of life. there's always a way, we expect things to be or happen.
And then, suddenly, out of nothing, something unexpectd happens and gets us
off the track.

Life's one big, strange thing.
But often, if we have the right perspective, it turns out to be good.

Lots of Love xoxo

April 20, 2013

In the end, we'll remember the silence of our friends.

This made my day xx

Lots of Love xoxo

Feelings x

Some weeks ago someone asked me to write down things, that make me happy. My list was longer than two pages..There are really a million things in life, that cheer me up. And then there are this moments I just feel like an emotional wreck. Everyone has it.
What makes you happy then? I don't know what makes me happy then..or if any of the things on my list would make me happy then.

So what is it really to create happiness? What is it? Certainly it has to be something to make you happy at any time..unless it isn't of that kind, it isn't real. That can't be a never ending list of beautiful things.

What then? I really want to know it.

PS: I love God to join my mourning. Maybe he is my happy?

Lots of Love xoxo

What is it, that you pursuit?

Whatever it is, you won't find it at any place in this world. Maybe you will have to leave the place you are at now to find it, but the truth is: It's not the place. It's your mind you should search. It's the mind to find - see - things.

Lots of Love xoxo


There are things in life we shouldn't do, although we would really want to. We want them, but we are rational...we know life would be better if we wouldn't do this things. There's a borderline between what we should and shouldn't do..
Everyone has these things. Either it's about a relationship, activity, principles or something else.

I always log my food - so I can control my calorie intake and keep my weight..For a very, very long time I stuck to this principle of mine. I wrote down everything I ate all day long and then clicked the 'Complete' button and finished eating for that day. And then, once, I crossed the borderline and didn't log all the food. Consequence: 1) I could have gained weight. 2) Main important: I was lying to myself. ..After this one time I stopped crossing the border. Another time - for a longer time - I crossed the borderline again. It didn't feel so bad all the time. Doing it more often made it feel okay, not wrong anymore.

Borderlines stop to feel wrong after crossing them over and over again. But they are wrong..They really are. We are just lying to ourselves. We say it's not so bad, but actually it is. That's why they are called borderlines, limits, boundarys, metes, edges, peripherys. That's why we shouldn't cross them.

- Borderlines are in our lifes for a reason. -
Find out why.

Lots of Love xoxo

..written in the scars on our hearts..

And then there are those songs playing in the background. You think they are just "okay" and then suddenly they touch your heart. Heal the scars.

Lots of Love xoxo

April 15, 2013

No matter what struggle!!

It's just a few words. But their power is a big one. Everytime I fail I know he is there to carry me. Better: I feel he is there.

I was so crazy to forget to read the scripture in the mornings. Just forgot it. My days were strange and I was wondering why. I couldn't wait for sundays and felt like there is something missin'.

It was God. He was missin'. He was there, in my heart, next to me. He always is. But I was ignoring him. Still I felt his blessings. I just missed talking to him.

Once you realize he'll never leave you, it's huge. It's amazing. The feeling. Security.-


Lots of Love xoxo

Summertime Sadness.

I don't think this song is so famous, just because it sounds so good or because Lana Del Rey is so beautiful. For me, already the title is precious and worthy. Everytime I listen to this song my hands get cold and I just want to shake. My heartbeat starts to beat in Summertime Sadness.
It's because I'm a winter person. I never understood...Being born in the middle of Summer, but loving Winter to much. I always loved things, other hated and didn't like the stuff other people liked.
Blue - the most famous favorite color. Realized as a kid, that all kids around me loved blue. Till then I didn't like it. The same with pink. I was a green kid and still am today.
House and Techno - at the age of 13/14 all of my male classmates started to listen to Techno and girls to House. It was this time, that I started to like Rap.

Summer - Everyone feels like summer is so beautiful. And I love it like every season. I love picking up strawberrys and doing bike tours accross the fields. It's just that so many peole don't like the cold temperatures and melancholic mood in winter. Winter is my top season..I love sitting there and watching Christmas movies under my blanket, cuddling my pillow. Makes me happy. I also love walking through the snow - at night. alone. at places, i'm alone. a ghostly railroad. I love buying ice cream then. My hands start to's cold and they freeze so much, I want to cry. But it makes me happy.

I know why it is like this with the seasons. In Winter everyone feels alone..And I feel understood. We all share our lonesomeness in Winter. But in Summer everyone is so happy..I'm happy, too. But there are just some moments..when I'm alone walking in the fields..I feel so freaking alone on this world. And then there is noone to understand me. Everyone is having barbecue and having fun. I like to be melancholic sometimes. Feeling alone and really being it. Although I know alone is a dangerous thing to be.

Summer reminds me of my first love. Of the good and the bad. All the kisses and all the moments he left me alone. In the middle of the way.

Memories. Everyone has them. I wonder if there is someone to have beautiful, sad Winter memories. Is it, what artists are made of?

- Oh my god. I feel it in the air.
 Telephone wires above are sizzling like a snare. 
Honey, I'm on fire, I feel it everywhere. 
Nothing scares me anymore.

I'm feeli' electric tonight.
Cruising down the coast goin' 'bout 99.
Got my bad baby by my heavently side.
I know if I go, I'll die happy tonight.

I think I'll miss you forever.
Like the stars miss the sun in the morning sky.
Later's better than never.
Even if you're gone I'm gonna -


Lots of Love xoxo

- With every heartbeat.

This statement automatically makes me think of the question: How much do you love it? Is remind remind you of quesions like: Do you love me? or How much do you love him/her? Do you miss her/him? 
Whatever occures inside of you, if you hear that sentence is a feeling. This three words sentence conjures up a feeling. To me a very strong feeling. The strongest. Love..And all of the feelings connected to love: Trust, Anger, Loss, Togetherness xo, Longing...
Although I have some negative feelings in mind the Longing is the strongest. I feel it's positive. It's positive to desire things, you love with every heartbeat. 

What do you love with every heartbeat? 

Just picture it, close your eyes and listen to the sound of your heart.

Lots of Love xoxo

January 17, 2013

Love in a jar.

You know what my favorite words are? Thank you. 
They are so short, but so meaningful. Thank you for the big things. The gift of life, my family and friends, love. For living in a country with great economy and safety. But also thank you for the small things. Nice people, smiles, nature and the sun rise everday, snow, chocolate. 
I guess you can never be unhappy if you learn to say thank you. It's more a gift than just words. 

This week let us focus on using this word of kindness. Tell thank you to your perents, who gave you the gift of life and who care for you. Although you may face problems in this relationships sometimes, they love you. Tell thank you to your friends, cause they are there for you. No matter what, they are your friends. Tell thank you to people who keep the door open to you, people who let you take precedence at the supermarket. 

And why not make a jar and put all the things that make you smile in 2013 in it? Why not put all the things you want to remember into the jar? Good and bad. Happy and sad. Thank you's and please's. Pictures, small notes or a thought you have. Photos, small things.Anything. :)

This isn't my jar, but I found it on the internet:

Lots of Love xoxo


So it's 2o13 now. The thing I love most about it, is, how every year - and even every day - is a new beginning. You may have failed yesterday, fought some hard battles and been falling down to the grouund a thrillion times..But tommorow it's a new day and everything starts again. Forget about yesterday and be a little bit better today. 

I would love all of us to look for a quote or sentence that will lead us throw the year. You may find it in a book you like, the bible, a movie, a song, the internet, from some celebrity you like, a family member or you just make up your own mind. I still haven't found my sentence, but I can tell you the one from last year: 

- If someone loves you, you don't think whether to love back or not. - 

Everytime I hear that sentence I want to continue it like this: You just do it. You love back. 
So go and find your quote lighting you the way this year. It may sound strange right now, but I promise you, it will help you. or teach you. 

PS: Stay tuned, cause I have a lot more ideas how to make this year superlicious (:

Lots of Love xoxo