July 30, 2013


Today I saw a video about the phrase 'Listen to your heart!' always suggested to people, who don't know how to act or what to believe. It sounds hopefully and is perfect if you don't know what to say.
But actually it's wrong just to listen to your heart, which is the centre of feelings, reason and will. Our heart often is influenced by our environment and not rarely do we want things, we know are stupid.

I think it's really hard to distinguish between 'real feelings' and feelings the mind creates. To be more concrete: Sexual attraaction often is a 'fake feeling' created by the liasion of some molecules inside of our brain. A 'real feeling' I lately had, was planing to move to Africa. I didn't really think about it for long..I didn't think of leaving everything and everyone behind, when I made that decision. I just started to react, as if I HAD to. I believe this is gods will.

So at the end of the video it was said, we have two hearts. One heart that is shaped by our environment and creates a whole lot of fake feelings and is full of our will. The other heart is full of gods will for us, it wants to be pure and provides real feelings for us. These two hearts are always struggeling with each other.

Which one are you going to listen to?

Lots of Love xx

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