September 6, 2012

For the first time.

Guillaume Apollinaire once said: ''Now and then it's good to pause in our pursuit of happiness and just be happy''.

I don't want to talk about this quote, but just ask you a question, that might help you just to be happy:

- When was the last time you did something for the first time? -

I don't mean things like; buying THESE shirt for the first time, but like wirting a love letter, eating something new or doing bungee jumping for the first time. So stop doing your everyday stuff for the millionth time and START doing something for the very first time in your life! It's such an easy small step, by whom you can achieve so much. 

Ps: Keep record (a small book) of your 'first times' :) Just write them down and stick in a photo.

Lots of Love xoxo

If not now, when?

It's a fact: Most of our time we live in the future. We think about how great our lifes are going to be in the future and what we will achieve.
 If you ask a high school student about his life goals or dreams, an answer could be' ''I want to have a family and a good job, so I get rich and have a really good life.'' - Okay, that's your dream. And what are you doing to realize it? The answer: ''Nothing. I'm to young. I have to go to school.''

-> But the truth is; if you have dreams, it's irresponsible to wait until the ''perfect moment'' for realizing your dreams comes. If you want to achieve something, you can't think about the great future but you have to do little steps now. Right now. If not now, when?

Lots of Love xoxo